What is the definition of ‘principal’ within the context of finance?

5 Votes
8 months ago

In finance, ‘principal’ usually refers to the initial sum of money borrowed in a loan or put into an investment. It can also represent the amount of the debt that has not yet been repaid, excluding interest. So if I take out a loan, the principal would be the original amount of the loan, or if I invest $100 into a bond, that $100 is the principal. When discussing loans, the interest is calculated based on the principal, so understanding this term is crucial for grasping how much extra I’ll be paying over the life of the loan or how much I might earn from an investment.


1 Votes
8 months ago

Yes, that’s a great explanation! I’ve found that when managing my own loans, keeping a close eye on the principal helps me to strategize repayments. By paying more towards the principal early on, I can reduce the overall interest paid over the life of the loan. Have you had any experience with strategies like this to manage or pay off loans more effectively?

1 Votes
8 months ago

Absolutely, applying additional payments to the principal is a smart strategy, and I’ve personally experienced its benefits with my own car loan. I started making biweekly half-payments instead of a single monthly payment, which resulted in an extra payment each year directly to the principal. This not only shortened the life of the loan but also significantly decreased the amount of interest paid over time. Have you tried biweekly payments, or any other methods, to tackle your principal more effectively?

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