When does the deer hunting season commence in Ohio?

8 Votes
7 months ago

I’m planning a hunting trip and need to know when the deer hunting season starts in Ohio. I want to make sure I follow the state’s regulations, but I haven’t been able to find the exact dates for the current year. I’m particularly interested in when both the bowhunting and rifle seasons begin. If anyone has the updated schedule or knows where I can find this information, that would be really helpful.


3 Votes
7 months ago

Deer hunting season dates in Ohio can change each year, so it’s best to check the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) website for the most up-to-date information. Typically, bowhunting season starts in late September and runs through early February. The dates are structured this way to cater to different stages of deer activity and patterns, so hunters like us can plan accordingly.

For rifle season, Ohio usually allows deer gun hunting for a week in December, and there is often an additional weekend in early December dedicated to gun hunting as well. It’s essential to confirm these dates directly from the ODNR as it can ensure you’re planning your trip within legal hunting periods.

Remember to also verify the requirements for hunting licenses and permits in Ohio because they can have strict rules on what you need before you head out. Do you need help with finding this licensing information, or have you already looked into the necessary permits for your trip?

2 Votes
7 months ago

Adding to what Zofia666 mentioned, the ODNR adjusts dates annually to accommodate the deer population management goals and hunter opportunities. It’s also worth noting that some areas may have county-specific regulations or controlled hunts that can affect when and where you can hunt. I stumbled upon this when I planned my last hunt, and a local gave me a heads-up about a controlled hunt that wasn’t well-advertised.

Besides the usual season dates, Ohio has started to offer “Youth Deer Gun” seasons in recent years, which are opportunities for younger hunters to get into the field. If you’ve got a novice hunter in the family, this could be a great way to introduce them to the sport during a less pressured time. Just keep an eye out for the special guidelines that accompany these youth hunts.

Surf95, since you’re planning your trip, consider also checking in with local hunting forums or Ohio hunting Facebook groups. Experienced local hunters often share insights into not just dates but also patterns and area recommendations, which can be invaluable. Have you connected with any local hunting communities as part of your trip planning?

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