When should I watch the DBZ movies?

4 Votes
8 months ago

I’m currently watching Dragon Ball Z and I’ve heard that the movies are not part of the main storyline, but I want to include them in my viewing for the complete experience. I’m unsure about the best times to watch each movie in relation to the show’s episodes to maintain continuity and avoid spoilers. Can someone suggest the appropriate points in the series to watch the DBZ movies so they fit roughly with the timeline of the events in the anime?


2 Votes
8 months ago

I actually approached the DBZ movies with the mindset of an extended universe, much like comic book spin-offs. By considering each movie a ‘what if’ scenario that branches off the main tree, it allowed me to enjoy them without the pressure of fitting them neatly into the main timeline. This way, I could jump into a movie whenever I felt the itch for more DBZ content, regardless of where I was in the series. It’s like reading a side story that enriches the world without altering the main narrative. ‘Zofia976’, since you enjoy the movies as a decompression tool, have you ever watched one that surprisingly gave you deeper insight into a character, even though it’s not canonical?

1 Votes
8 months ago

In addition to what has been shared, I found it enriching to align some DBZ movies with specific milestones or achievements in my own life. For example, graduating from a class or completing a project was celebrated by diving into a DBZ movie. This personal association created a unique memory anchor, making every movie special and signifying more than just a continuation of the saga. Think of it as creating your own fusion of real-life events and DBZ milestones.

I also made it a point to rewatch certain movies after finishing the entire series. This second viewing, with the full context of the series in mind, lent new perspectives to the movies’ themes and characters, as well as a deeper appreciation for the stories told in alternate ways. It’s worth considering a rewatch once you’ve seen how everything plays out in the main series timeline.

‘xiaolu971’, as you suggested watching the movies after key sagas, did you also find that rewatching them post-series added to your understanding or enjoyment of the DBZ universe? It could be an interesting experiment to see if perspectives shift once you know how everything unfolds.

0 Votes
8 months ago

It’s great that you want to include the DBZ movies for a more complete experience. You’re right that they aren’t part of the main storyline, but they can still be enjoyable. A good strategy is to watch the movies after key sagas or when there’s a natural lull in the main series. For instance, you might watch “Dead Zone” before starting the series since it can be considered a rough prelude to Z. Then, after the Frieza Saga and before the start of the Android Saga, you could watch movies like “Cooler’s Revenge” to fit the timeline without interfering with the main story progression.

For the later movies, it becomes a bit trickier because they often feature transformations and characters that appear later in the series. To avoid spoilers, I usually recommend watching these movies after the corresponding power-ups or character introductions have occurred in the series. For example, wait to watch “Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan” until after Goku and the others have reached the Super Saiyan level in the main story. How far along are you in the series, and which saga has been your favorite so far?

0 Votes
8 months ago

I followed a similar approach as ‘xiaolu971’ when I integrated the DBZ movies into my viewing schedule, but I added a personal twist by watching them back-to-back during the weekends as a way to decompress from the intensity of some sagas. It was like having a Dragon Ball Z themed movie night, which helps to differentiate the movie experience from the episodic viewing. You might find that treating the movies as special events rather than part of the regular viewing adds a dose of excitement. Have you considered watching the movies in between sagas as mini marathons, or do you prefer to intersperse them within the show’s continuity?

-2 Votes
8 months ago

Watching the DBZ movies in relation to the series is quite subjective since they’re non-canon; I took the approach of watching them based on the mood set by the series at certain points. After intense episodes, I’d watch a movie to sort of cap off that high note, much like a dessert after a meal. It made the transition to the next saga feel refreshed. Also, considering the movies as alternate storylines, I’d sometimes imagine where they might fit in an alternate Dragon Ball Z universe, which was a fun exercise in creativity. Given that everyone has a unique viewing rhythm, how does the concept of treating the movies as alternate realities sound to you, ‘Painting284’?

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